My Woodpecker Big Year - Denny Granstrand - August 2021 - YVAS Program

Woodpeckers are fascinating birds. They are also incredibly beneficial to many of the species they share the landscape with. Big Years are exciting, too, though possibly to only a very small group of people.

Image - Red-headed Woodpecker at Sam Houston Jones State Park in Louisiana - Photo by Denny Granstrand
Red-headed Woodpecker at Sam Houston Jones State Park in Louisiana - Photo by Denny Granstrand

Woodpeckers are found everywhere in the world where there are trees, except for Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands. Twenty-two species of woodpeckers nest in the United States and Canada. Do you know how many nest in Yakima County? How do they peck so hard on trees excavating their nest cavities and searching for food without hurting themselves?

In 2020, before our lives were changed by COVID-19, Denny Granstrand found himself doing a Big Year to try to see and photograph all 22 species of North America’s nesting woodpeckers in one year. This is a little more difficult than one might think, since the species of woodpeckers are spread all across the continent and there is no one area that has all of them. Come to the August chapter meeting and let Denny answer some of your questions about woodpeckers (and Big Years).