To Save Birds, Prevent Window Strikes

Glass collisions are a huge problem for birds. The American Bird Conservancy estimates that up to a billion birds die in collisions with glass each year in the United States. Although most people have seen or heard a bird hit a window, they often believe it is an unusual event. Add up all those deaths and the number is staggering.

Both common and rare bird species hit windows. Back in 2015, Joe and I had a Red Crossbill hit one of our windows at our home here in Yakima. It was that crossbill striking the window and dying that inspired me to look for help preventing window strikes at our home.

Bird feeder and bird bath placement are important in helping to prevent collisions. The most likely place for birds hitting windows is near bird feeders. It may seem odd, but feeders are safest when they’re closest to windows—because if a bird takes off from the feeder or bath and hits the window, it won’t be going at top speed and has a better chance of surviving. Place feeders and baths CLOSER than 3 feet to a picture window (or even affixed to the glass or window frame), or FARTHER than 30 feet from a window.

There are other things you can do to help prevent birds from striking windows.

-Karen Zook