Dr. Kaeli Swift - The Foraging Ecology of Jays
General ·Kaeli Swift graduated with a BA from Willamette University in 2009, after which she spent several years doing field projects ranging from sexual selection in Satin bowerbirds, to breeding success of the threatened streaked horned-lark in Oregon. Kaeli has been interested in birds and animal behavior all her life, and is delighted that the emergence of corvids as a model system for questions of animal and social intelligence allows her to marry these two passions.
She recently received her doctorate from the University of Washington where she studied the “funeral” behaviors of crows, after which she studied the foraging and food storage behaviors of Canada jays in Denali National Park. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram @corvidresearch, where she talks about crows, corvids, and other wildlife, and plays a weekly game called #CrowOrNo to help people learn to correctly ID and distinguish different kinds of corvids.