YVAS Articles
YVAS Articles
Twenty Years of Field Research on the White-Headed Woodpecker in Washington with Jeff KozmaDid you know birders and naturalists come from all across the country to Washington’s eastside forests to seek out this charismatic species of woodpecker? If you ever wanted to know more...
Pelagic Cruise Study Session
General ·YVAS Pelagic Cruise Study SessionPosted by Yakima Valley Audubon Society on Monday, August 8, 2022Yakima Valley Audubon’s Vredenburgh Bluebird Trail Marks its 40th Year! | Andy Stepniewski | May/June 2022 | YVAS Program
General ·Yakima Valley Audubon’s Vredenburgh Bluebird Trail Marks its 40th Year! - YVAS Monthly ProgramIn 1982, when nest boxes for bluebirds were first put out in the nearby Wenas Valley, little did this intrepid group of Yakima Auduboners know that 40 years later that the...
Update on Two Local Solar Energy Generation Projects
General ·Goose Prairie Solar Energy Generation Project
At the end of 2021, Governor Jay Inslee approved the Goose Prairie Solar Energy Generation Project, based on the approval recommendation of the Washington State Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC). This approval allows OneEnergy Renewables of Seattle to construct an 80 MW solar generation project on 625 acres located 8 miles east...